Hello visitors,
I offer you an invitation to join my friendly, inclusive Yoga or Pilates classes. You will be given the tools required to move more effortlessly, breathe more freely and find comfort within your body. Your increased awareness of self will improve other aspects of the world around you.
Evolution taught us to stand on two legs. As babies we naturally trained our spine in order to find our way up to standing. We laid on our tummies (back extension), we rolled over (rotation), we crawled (weight bearing) and finally we came to our feet. Our younger years are then spent navigating and exploring our bodies potential. We run, jump, dance, climb, roll, fall over, get up, and we never had to consider ‘the how’ we moved whilst doing any of those things. We had an embodied freedom which didn’t interfere with our thought process.
So what happened? Truth is, many things happened and we learnt to condition and adapt ourselves accordingly. We developed through the aging process, we created habitual patterns needed for work, sport, pregnancy, injury or trauma. Gravity happened, or at least our spine awareness succumbed to the ‘gravitational pull.’ All of these physical and mental habits were developed for a reason. They once helped us endure challenges, sustain workload and maintain performance. The problem is, if we are continually compelled to follow the same patterns, they start to manifest themselves negatively and we end up caught in a physical, or mental loop, that no longer serves us.
As aging humans we still have the ability to create change. We can embody new patterns by relearning how to move efficiently, breathe functionally, self-regulate our nervous system and turn down the volume in our mind. We all have the ability to create change.
My classes are a simple invitation towards optimal health for each person. If you would like to begin this journey then please look at my Classes available.